Ancient, Free And Accepted Masons




Press Of The Oxford Orphanage Oxford, N. C.

HARVEY WARD SMITH Grand Master 1960-61


. By birth, our Grand Master is a Hoosier, having been born in Columbia City, Indiana, on January 20, 1908. As of this writing, how- ever, that is about the only thing that would indicate he has ever spent any great length of time above the. Mason-Dixon Line, for he

is as Southern as fried chicken and collard greens,

He was the son of J. Howard Smith and Blanche O. Grimes. His _ father was engaged in the fish processing business and built up quite . an extensive industry .in this field. To all of this, the Grand Master has applied his observable skill in organization and business acumen and has achieved remarkable success in extending the business in such manner that its operations now are spread out along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastlines, and even into South America. His firm is the biggest in the business and our Grand Master is the operating head of his Empire.

Harvey has been living in Beaufort so long that actually it is difficult to realize any other place could have claimed him. This little and beautiful coastal town in North Carolina has been proud to boast his residence there and is confident of the fact that the first Car- teret County resident ever to become Grand Master of Masons in ‘North Carolina is going to represent them, wherever he goes, in a manner truly befitting the high type of Masonic citizenship for which

they have long been noted.

The Grand Master received his publie schooling in the Middle- town Township Public Schools, New Jersey. Then he attended the New York Military Academy from which he was duly graduated, later going on to Washington and Lee University for his college training. Following this, he entered the business world in the industry his fa- ther has founded and gave such steadfast attention to the duties re- quired of him that he now, not only has become the operating head of the corporation, but he is also known all over the country and in sev- eral foreign countries by leaders in this business and also in govern- ment.

Harvey is a civie-minded man and is always alert to the needs of his people. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Red Bank Hospital in Red Bank, New Jersey. He is genuinely warm- hearted; he loves people, and especially Masons. He gives liberally to all good causes and he does this completely without ostentation. As a matter of fact, when he was District Deputy Grand Master he put one lodge on its feet, paying all of the costs of the same out of his own pocket. Futhermore, the beautiful Chapel at the Masonic' and Eastern Star Home is now a much more beautiful place and far more conducive to worship because of the Memorial Windows, all of which

were installed therein through the generosity of our Grand Master.

He was. initiated an Entered Apprentice on December 19, 1940, and it is said that when the hood-wink was removed, the future Grand Master opened his eyes and for the first time saw and realized that the men who had made this opportunity available to him, in many in- stances were men who worked for him in the local plant in Beaufort.

He was so filled with gratitude it is reported he declared, “This is what I've been wanting all my life.” He has never ceased to show his appreciation for the levelling influence of Masonry. This occured in Franklin Lodge Number 109. He was Passed to the Degree of Fellow- craft on February 17th, 1941, and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason four days later, February 21st, 1941.

Evidence of his immediate interest in and concern for Masonry is found in the fact that only four years later he was serving his lodge as its Master, 1944. His brethren from Beaufort will tell you that this was the year in which their lodge was re-activated and that Harvey was the motivating force behind the re-activation.

In 1946 he was appointed District Deputy Grand Master by Most Worshipful William J. Bundy and he was subsequently re-appointed in 1947, and in 1948. The District meeting that he held in 1946 in Morehead City is still regarded as one of the highlights of Masonry in Eastern Carolina. In fact, no meeting in North Carolina that year had larger attendance. The report that he filed on his activities as D.D. G.M., for that year is regarded as one of the classics in this type of reporting.

He was appointed Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge by Most Worshipful Edwin T. Howard and rose steadily through the various places and stations until April 20, 1960, when he was elevated by his brethren to the exalted position of Grand Master.

He is a member of all the York Rite Bodies, of the Allied Ma- sonic Degrees, (of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foedera- tis) and of the Red Cross of Constantine. He was a DeMolay in Red Bank, New Jersey, and in 1953 was elected by the International Su- preme Council to the DeMolay Legion of Honor. He is also one of the few men in North Carolina who hold membership in the Royal Order of Scotland. He was made a Master of the Royal Secret, or 32? of the Scottish Rite, in April 1944. As a reward of recognition for his efforts for the Scottish Rite, he was invested with the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor, on October 24, 1945. In recognition of his continued devotion and service to Masonry, he was, on October 23, 1959, coronetted Sovereign Grand Inspector General, Honorary, or 33”, by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Southern Jurisdiction.

Our Grand Master has also taken a great interest in the Shrine, being initiated into that Mystic Circle on May 22, 1941, Sudan Temple of New Bern. In 1956 he was appointed by Illustrious Brother Clar- ence H. Parker, Potentate of Sudan Temple, and beloved citizen of the metropolis of Belcross, as Outer Guard. He has advanced each year and now holds the position of First Ceremonial Master. This means, of course, that in about four or five years we may expect to see him occupying the honored position Potentate of Sudan Temple. It is worthy of note also that he is the proud possessor of a perma- nent Contributing Membership in the Shrine's Crippled Children's Hospital.

There are many other orders and clubs in which our Grand Master holds membership for he has always yielded to his innate desire to be among friends and to associate with them.

There are also many other achievements that might be listed, but no doubt his greatest achievement, and the source of his greatest pride and inward happiness, was in the selection of his life's companion, the former Evelyn Chadwick, of Beaufort, North Carolina, a young lady of charm with a keen and discerning mind, to say nothing of her in- tense and sympathetic interest in her husband'a Masonic activities. No greater asset does he possess.

And, ineidentally, he is a Methodist.


A List Of The Past Grand Masters Of The Grand Lodge Of North Carolina From 1787 To 1959, Inclusive And Dates When Elected

*Samuel Jobhnston 1787 *Richard Caswell.......... 1788 "Samuel Johnston__1789, *90, *91 *Wm. R. Davie, 1792, '93, '94, "Ob, "96, '977, "98 * William "Polk WE 1799, 1800, '01 *John L. Taylor....1802, * , 04 *John Hall........ 1805, '06, '07 * Benjamin Smith-..1808, 09, 10 * Robert Williams__-1811, 12, 13 *John L. Taylor___.1814, "15, 16 *Calvin Jones 1817, 18, 19

1820, "21 *James Strudwick Smith. ...1892

*Robert hoc PONE 1823, *24 *H. G. Burton........- 1825, '26 *L. D. Wilson.....- 1827, 728, '29 *R. D. Spaight, Jr. —— 1830, ’31 ‘S A AA 1832 SS F. Patterson........ 1833, *34

H. Marsteller.....- 1835, *36 «b W. Stone....... 1837, '38, *39 *S. J. Baker.............- 1840 *D. L. Crenshauw 41 SJ. H. Wheeler........ 1842, '43

*P. W. Fanning..---1844, '45, '46 SW. F. Collins....- 1847, 48, 49 “A. T. Jerkins_---.. 1850, 51, '52 *Clement H. Jordan....1853, '54

1855, '56

8 8 *Lewis S. Williams____1859, 60

OW. Ge Alco ccósciiaces 1861 *E. F. Watson 1862, '63 *John McCormick...

*E. G. Reade.........- 1865, '66 *R. W. Best secu 1867 *Robert B. Vance.....- 1868, '69 *Charles C. Clark...... 1870, "71 *John Nichols......... 872, "I3

*George W. Blount..... 1874, "75 *Horace H. Munson.-..1876, *77 *William R. Cox.....-.- 1878, "79 "Henry F. Grainger....1880, '81 *Robert Bingham. 1882, "83, '84 *Fabius H. Busbee....... 1885, '86

SC H. Robinson....... 1887, '88 *Samuel H. Smith...... 1889, '90 *Hezekiah A. Gudger...1891, ’92 *John W. Cotten... 1893, '94 *Francis M. Moye....-- 1895, '96 *Walter E. Moore. ..... 1897, '98 *Richard J. Noble.......... 1899

* Deceased. t Nonaffiliated.

"B. S. Royster........ 1900, '01 *H. I. Clark... 1902, '03 *W. S. Liddell_________ 1904, *05 *Francis D. Winston. __-1906, 207 *Samuel M. Gattis______ 1908, 209 *Richard N. Hackett___-1910, "11 *W. B. McKoy______-______ 1912 *F. M. Winchester... 1913 *John T. Alderman_________ 1914 *F. P. Hobgood, Jr, 1915 "A. B. Andrews, Jr, 1916 "Claude L. Pridgen________ 1917 *George S. Norfleet. . —— 1918 *Henry A. Grade, 1919 *James C. Braswell...... 1920 *J. Bailey Owen, 1921 *James H. Webb... .....- 1922 *Herbert McN. Poteat______ 1923 "James LeG. Everett |... 1924 *Leon Cash----- o ooo... 1925 *John E. Cameron... .... 1926 *John H. Anderson........ 1927 *Raymond C. Dunn........ 1928 *John J. Phoenix.........- 1929 *E. W. Timberlake, Jr 1930 J. W. Winborne.........- 1931 SH. C. Alexander______.___ 1932 TP. T. Wilson, 1933 *R. F. Ebbe 1934 Charles B. Newcomb...... 1935 J. Giles Hudson. ......... 1936 Watson N. Sherrod__---..-. 1937 *Harry T. Patterson________ 1938 iJ. Edward Allen, 1939 Thomas J. Barkuns `. 1940 Charles P. Eldridge________ 1941 James E. Shipman........ 1942 *James W. Payne.........- 1943 *Julius C. Hobbs... ..... 1944 *Clyde H. Jarrett 1945 William J. Bunde 1946 Luther T. Hartsell, Jr 1947 Maxwell E. Hoffman...... 1948 *Wilkins P. Horton........ 1949 Wallace E. Caldwell....... 1950 Herbert M. Roy 1951 William H. White... 1952 Edwin T. Howard........- 1953 Robert L. Pugh........... 1954 Charles H. Pugh.......--- 1955 John C. Vancen... 1956 Charles A. Harris `, 1957 James G. Johnston.......- 1958 W. Eli Hand 1959




OF Ancient, “free and cAccepted Masons OF




To the Annual Communication of 1961 o


M.'.W..HARVEY W. SMITH? (109) -----..-.---. Grand Master c/o Carolina Hotel, Raleigh Phone (Bus.) TEmple 2-8811 (Raleigh) P. 0. Box 38, Beaufor! Phone (Res) PArk 8-4212 (Beaufort) R.'.W..JAMES W. BREWER} (708) ..........- Deputy Grand Master P. 0. Box 411, Greenville Phones (Hes.) PLaza 2-4433 (Bus.) PLaza 2-6186

R.'.W.'.CHARLES C. RICKER? (118).......... Senior Grand Warden Mas. Temple, 80 Broadway, Asheville Phones (Res.) ALpine 2-7689 (Bus.) AL 3-9491

R.°.W.’.J. EDWARD ROOKER, JR. T (10)... Junior Grand Warden-Elect P. 0. Box 384, Warrenton Phone (Bes) 6781

M.'.W..HERBERT M. Fov* (822)........--.- Grand Treasurer P. 0. Box 42, Mount Airy Phones (Bes) STate 6-5230 (Bus.) STate 6-4022 M.'.W..CHARLES A. Harris* (113)_.....--.-.. Grand Secretary P. 0. Box 6506, CH Phone (Bus.) VAnce 8-2341 710 Harvey Street, Raleigh Phone (Res) TEmple 3-6074 e APPOINTIVE OFFICERS W.'.W. EDWARD BURRIERf, C.L. (31)........- Senior Grand Deacon 2733 Picardy Place, Charlotte (9) Phones (Res.) EDison 4-9784 (Bus.) FRanklin 5-6031 W.'.G. DUDLEY HUMPHERYT, C.L. (1) ---....-.- Junior Grand Deacon P. 0. Box 1318, Wilmington Phones (Hes) ROger 2-1937 (Bus.) ROger 2-5592 W.'.SAM A. HENNIS, Jet (322) ...--.-..-.-.-- Grand Marshal Drawer 711, Mount Airy Phones (Res.) STate 6-7579 (Bus.) STate 6-2155 W.'. ARNOLD J. KOONCE, SR.f, (716) ---.____- Grand Steward P. 0. Box 1267, High Point Phone (Res.) 88 2-2932 (Bus.) 88 8-4545 W..ALFRED A. KAFER, Jet (8) --..-------___ Grand Steward P. 0. Box 1349, New Bern Phones (Res.) MElrose 7-3407 (Bus.) MElrose 7-2181 W.’.FRED F. HARDING} (500)..............- Grand Tyler 2707 Barmettler Street, Raleigh Phone (Res.) TEmple 2-5267 W.'.TRov G. ROBBINS (552).........---.---- Grand Chaplain Masonic & Eastern Star Home, Greensboro Phones (Res.) BR 3-8375 (Bus) CY 9-003] M..W..CHARLES H. PUGH* (369)..........- Grand. Historian P. 0. Box 527, Gastonia Phones (Res.) UNiversity 5-2329 (Bus.) UNiversity 5-3281 W.'.WILLIAM K. PrIcef, C.L. (261)..-......... Grand Lecturer P. 0. Box 2135, Charlotte (1) Phones (Res.) EDison 3-4004 (Bus.) EDison 4-4646 W..RoBERT W. SAFRIT, Jet (109) .................. Grand Orator Front Street Extended, Beaufort Phones (Res.) PArk 8-4716 (Bus.) PArk 8-3843 M.'.W.'.J. GILES HuDSON* (576) .-........... Judge Advocate P. 0. Box 1066, Salisbury Phone (Bus.) MElrose 6-1701

+ Past Master * Past Grand Master


J. Wallace Winborne* (237) ....... Justice Building, Raleigh Phone (Bus.) TEmple 2-4276

Charles B. Newcomb* (1)......... P. O. Box 451, Wilmington Phones (Res.) ROger 2-7968, (Bus.) ROger 2.6452

J. Giles Hudson* (576) __.-.------- P. O. Box 1066, Salisbury Phone (Bus.) MElrose 6-1701

Watson N. Sherrod* (4471... 115 N. Church St., Enfield Phones (Res.) HI 5-2091, (Bus.) HI 5-2951

Thomas J. Harkins* (118) .......--- 5 Griffing Blvd., Asheville

Phone (Res.) ALpine 2-3058

Dr. Charles P. Eldridge* (218) ....- 1621 St. Mary's Street, Raleigh Phone (Res.) TEmple 2-5382

James E. Shipman* (387) ...----.- P. O. Box 1228, Hendersonville Phones (Res.) OXford 3-4467, (Bus.) OXford 93-4954

William J. Bundy* (284) .........- P. O. Box 143, Greenville Phone (Res.) PLaza 2-3979

Luther T. Hartsell, Jr.* (32) -.------ P. O. Box 986, Concord

Phones (Res.) STate 2-6610, (Bus.) STate 2-9179 Dr. Maxwell E. Hoffman* (118) ..-.450 Midland Dr., Asheville Phone (Res.) ALpine 3-3142

Dr. Wallace E. Caldwell* (408) .... P. O. Box 567, Chapel Hill Phones (Res.) 3581, (Bus.) 3946

Herbert M. Foy* (322) ......-.-.-.-- P. O. Box 42, Mount Airy Phones (Res.) STate 6-5230, (Bus.) STate 6-4022

William H. White* (151)......---- P. O. Box 87, Sanford Phones (Res.) SPring 3-8331, (Bus.) SPring 3-8241

Edwin T. Howard* (844) .......-.- 422 Edgedale Dr., High Point Phone (Res.) 88 2-2847 i i

Robert L. Pugh* (568) ........---- P. O. Box 1701, New Bern Phones (Res.) MElrose 7-3676, (Bus.) MElrose 7-4115

Dr. Charles H. Pugh* (369) .......- P. O. Box 527, Gastonia Phones (Res.) UNiversity 5-2329, (Bus.) UNiversity 5-8261

John C. Vance* (118) -__--.------- Carolina Apts., A-11, Asheville Phones (Res.) ALpine 3-6692, (Bus.) ALpine 2-7611

Charles A. Harris* (113) ..---~--- P. O. Box 6506, Raleigh

Phones (Res.) TEmple 3-0674, (Bus.) VAnce 8-2341 James G. Johnston*, C.L. (261) ....1500 Wachovia Bank Bldg.,

Charlotte 2

Phones (Res. FRanklin 7-4914, (Bus.) EDison 2-1134

W. Eli Hand* (1). e 7204 San Carlos Road, ` Jacksonville, Fla. & PAST GRAND SECRETARIES

Charles B. Newcomb* (1)........- P. O. Box 451, Wilmington Wilbur L. McIvert (151).........- 1913 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh

Phones (Res.) TEmple 3-8585, (Bus.) TEmple 3-9864

1 Past Master * Past Grand Master


M.".W.* Harvey W. Smith (109) Grand Master... Raleigh Chairman R.'.W.*. James W. Brewerf_---.- (708) Deputy Gr. Master__Greenville R.*.W.*.Charles C. Rickerj..... (118) Senior Gr. Warden... Asheville R.'.W.'.J. Edward Rooker, Jr.+_( 10) Junior Gr. Warden. New Bern M.'.W..Herbert M. Foy*______ (322) Grand Treasurer... Mount Airy | M.'.W.'.Charles A. Harris*_____ (113) Grand SBeerefgiza. Raleigh Secretary M.*.W.' William J. Bundy*___.._ (284) 1961 _______________ Greenville M..W..Charles B. Newcomb*__( 1) 1961 ....... Wilmington M.'.W..Watson N. Sherrod*___ (447) 1962 |... ccs css Enfield M.'.W..Luther T. Hartsell, Jr.* ( 32) 1962... css Concord M.'.W.'.Thomas J. Harkins*___ (118) 1963 _______________- Asheville M.*.W.'.Charles H. Pugh*______ (369) 1968 ________________ Gastonia o BOARD OF CUSTODIANS M.'.W.' Harvey W. Smitht___-_- (109) Grand Master. Raleigh Ex-officio Chairman W.'.William K. Price}, GE... (261) Grand Lecturer_____- Charlotte W..W. Howard Hardy}, CL, (390) 1961 --. ooo Siloam M.'.W..Charles B. Newcomb*__( 1) 1961, Secretary... Wilmington M.'.W.'Jas. G. Johnston*, C.L..(261) 1962 _______________ Charlotte W.'.Seott S. Fay}, C.L.. (650) 1962 --- ooo. Asheville M.'.W.'James E. Shipman*____(387) 1963 __________ Hendersonville W.'.Nathan P. Strauset, C.L.___ (229) 1963, Chairman.. Henderson


M.*.W.'.Harvey W. Smith+t---.. (109) Grand Master. Raleigh M..W..Herbert M. Foy*...... (322) Grand Treasurer. Mount Airy M.'.W.'.Charles A. Harris*___. (113) Grand Secretary..._.-- Raleigh Arthur W. Madison... (DUO). essa cane. Raleigh Elwood B. Dixon.............. (218) EE Raleigh

+ Past Master * Past Grand Master


Harvey W. Smitn}, (109), Grand Master, ex-officio Chairman and a member; James W. Brewery (708), Deputy Grand Master; Luther T. Hartsell, Jr.* (32); J. Wallace Winborne* (237); Edwin T. Howard* (344); William J. Bundy* (284); and appointed by the Governor: Ben Cone (552); J. Edward Rooker, Jet (10), Junior Grand Warden; and Thomas L. Simmons (230).

Superintendent: Rev. A. D. Leon Gray} (122), Oxford, N. C. Phones: Oxford Orphanage (Res.) 3851, (Bus.) 4128


Harvey W. Smitht (109), Grand Master, 1965; Arthur W. Madi- son (500), 1961; Luther T. Hartsell, Jr.* (82), 1962; Wilbur L. Mc- Iverf (151), Secretary-Treasurer, 1963; and Watson N. Sherrod* (447), 1964. |


Harvey W. Smith} (109), Grand Master, ex-officio Chairman and a member; James W. Brewer} (708), Deputy Grand Master; Robert L. Pugh* (568); Herbert M. Foy* (322), Grand Treasurer; William H. White* (151); Charles H. Pugh* (369), Grand Historian; J. How- ard Brownt (58); Lattis M. Johnson (542); Edgar H. McBanef (542); William M. Yorkt (542); William S. Gallimore, Jr.t (656); Robert N. Bass, Jr.t (97) ; and eight members selected by the Grand Chapter, O.E.S.

Superintendent: Rev. Troy G. Robbins (552), Greensboro, N. C. Phones (Res. BRoadway 3-8375, (Bus.) CYpress 9-0031



M.*.W.*.Robert L. Pugh*....... (968) EE New Bern

$ The term of each director of this corporation, elected by the Grand Lodge, is one year expiring in 1961. SEE Regulation 33-04 as amended April 22, 1953 (pages 101 and 102 of the Proceedings for 1953). 8

+ Past Master * Past Grand Master


Charles B. Newcomb* (1), 1963, Chairman, P. O. Box 451, Wil- mington, N. C.; Joseph T. Ingramt (262), 1961; James E. Shipman* (387), 1962; William J. Bundy* (284), 1964; and Watson N. Sher- rod* (447), 1965. `


Charles B. Newcomb* (1), 1968, Chairman, P. O. Box 451, Wil- mington, N. C.; J. Giles Hudson* (576), Judge Advocate, 1961; and Emery B. Denny} (668), 1962.


William J. Bundy* (284), Chairman; James W. Brewer} (708), Deputy Grand Master; G. Dudley Humphrey}, C.L. (1), Junior Grand Deacon; Thomas J. Harkins* (118); J. Giles Hudson* (576), Judge Advocate; James E. Shipman* (387); Charles B. Newcomb* (1), Secretary; J. Wallace Winborne* (237); Emery B. Dennyj (668); Lambert R. Morrist (109); Charles C. Ricker} (118), Senior Grand Warden; Norris C. Reed (500); Cecil W. Hendersonf (395); Robert L. Pugh* (568); and Luther T. Hartsell, Jr.* (32).


Watson N. Sherrod* (447), Chairman; Maxwell E. Hoffman* (118); William H. White* (151); James W. Brewert- (708), Deputy Grand Master; Hugh W. Princet, C. L. (147); Henry L. Bridgest (76) ; Sam À. Hennis, Jr.t (322), Grand Marshal; Clarence H. Par- kerf (75); and Sigmund Sternberger} (552).


Luther T. Hartsell, Jr.* (32), 1963, Chairman; Armon E. Baggett} (1), 1961; Paul J. Story} (237), 1962; Norwood P. Parkert, C. L. (98), 1964; and Clarence B. Shulenberger} (500), 1965.


Marion T. Ross}, C. L. (1), Chairman; Berl M. Kahnt, C. L. (112); Robert N. Bass, Jet (97); Earl M. Noef, C. L. (109); and Alfred A. Kafer, Jr.+ (3), Grand Steward. i

COMMITTEE ON FRATERNAL CORRESPONDENCE Dr. Wallace E. Caldwell* (408), Chairman, P. O. Box 567, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. COMMITTEE ON CHARITY Richard D. Turner} (218), Chairman, 3426 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS Robert B. Spencer (40), Chairman; Nelson B. Bankstł, C. L. (104) ; and William C. Mooret (3). i - COMMITTEE ON NECROLOGY _ Armon E. Baggetti (1), Chairman.

f Past Master * Past Grand Master


Charles B. Newcomb* (1), Chairman, P. O. Box 451, Wilmington, North Carolina.


Louis W. Shrierf (1), Chairman; Linwood E. Wadef (405); Harold E. Maxwell? (8); Robert S. Holleyf (171); and Francis O. Gibbsf (656).


Adam A. Husmanft (40), Chairman; B. A. Cox, Sr.f, C.L. (654) ; Cecil W. Hendersonf (395); C. Ghermann Hollandt (109); and Hood W. Roodt, C.L. (198). COMMITTEE ON MISCELLANEOUS MASONIC CEREMONIES

Robert L. Pugh* (568), Chairman; Herbert M. Foy* (322), Grand Treasurer; Charles H. Pugh* (369), Grand Historian; Hugh W. Princet, C. L. (147); and Charles A. Harris* (113), Grand Sec- retary.


Walter A. Watts (40), C.P.A., 900 Wade Avenue, Raleigh, North Carolina.


Roy R. Poolt (40), Chairman; Adam A. Husman} (40); and Charles T. McClenaghant (218).


Herbert M. Foy* (322), Grand Treasurer, Chairman; Charles D. Graham}, C. L. (447); and Neill W. Freemanf, C. L. (487). SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SECRETARY'S HANDBOOK

Norwood P. Parkert, C.L. (98), Chairman; James L. Murphyt (40); and Haywood S. Kingf, C. L. (319).



Armon E. Baggettt (1), Chairman; Fred C. Kinzief, C. L. (673); and Berl M. Kahnt, C. L. (112).


G. Dudley Humphreyt, C. L. (1), Junior Grand Deacon, Chair- man; J. Giles Hudson* (576), Judge Advocate; Luther T. Hartsell, Jr.* (32); and Paul J. Story} (237).


Fred C. Kinzief, C. L. (673), Chairman; Herbert M. Foy* (822), Grand Treasurer; William R. Hadleyt, C. L. (819); Nathan P. Strausef, C. L. (229); and Marion T. Ross}, C. L. (1).

+ Past Master * Past Grand Master


1 Malachi D. BurgessT.-.-.--.....-.... ( 75) Shiloh P | 2 H. Randolph Perryt------------------ (171) Colerain, Route 2, Box 29 3 Lloyd B. Davenport?..-.---.--------- (678) Columbia, Box 27 4 G. Raymond Leggett, Sr.f, C.L.-------( 59) Plymouth, Box 427 5 W. Herman Hardeet, C.L.------------ (284) Greenville, Box 398 i 6 Frank J. Veachfł--------------------- (132) Snow Hill, Box 334 7: Edward P. Blairt......... neen (433) Vanceboro, c/o Vanceboro Diet, Schools 8 Ira J. Gravest e ._.- (564) Richlands, Box 116 9 James Millerf-__.......-----------.. (658) Beulaville, Box 298 10 Louis W. Shrierf.------------------- ( 1) Wilmington, Box 295 ]l Julian F. Wilsont_.......-....-....--- (596) Bolton, Box 255 : - 12 David T. Lambeth, Jr.ț-------------- (114) Lumberton, Box 512. * 13 Gilbert M. Honeycuttf, LL -(679) Fayetteville, 208 Hull Road 14 Newton C. Leet ` see (125) Newton Grove, Route 2 . 15 W. Chester WilkinsT-...............- (617) Pine Level, Box 335 16 Kedar D. Pyatt, Sr.f, C.L.-.---------- (112) Goldsboro, 1503 Hawthorne Street 17 S. Earl Griffinf_---------------.....- (117) Wilson, Box 247 18 Robert E. Sheffieldf_.__............-- ( 58) Tarboro, Box 204 19 Walter W. Wheelerf...._..-..--.-.....- (524) Conway, Box 314 20 Earnest E. Odomt, C.L.-------------- (519) Gaston, Box 244 (Northampton County) 21 John T. Sawyerf-.---------.---.---- (123) Franklinton, 115 N. Cheatham Street 22 John V. Cliftonț--------------------- (683) Raleigh, Route 5, Box 234 23 Robert N. Bass, Jr.f....----------..-( 97) Raleigh, Box 9421 24 Ivan C. Mimsf___.----------------..- (115) Holly Springs, Box 248 | 25 A. Vance Hulbertt, LL -(151) Sanford, 616 North Endor Street 26 A. Hinton McPhaulf__._-...--..----- (306) Raeford, Box 484 27 Barrington T. Hillf................-..- ( 64) Wadesboro, Box 414 28 Nathaniel C. Deant, C.L............-- (150) Norwood, Box 351 29 John S. Hudsonf-------------------- (699) Asheboro, Box 528 30 William G. Crutchfieldf, CL .-.-- (272) Haw River, Box 151 31 John C. Jestert_--------------------- (210) Durham, 1824 Jester Road 32 M. Garland Talton, Jr.f, C.L........-- (122) Oxford, 715 Baker Street 33 Guy M. McWhortert------------------ (384) Reidsville, 401 Wentworth Street 34 William S. Gallimore, Jr.f--.--.-..-- (656) Greensboro, 4412 Cornell Avenue 35 A. Edward Feyt_...-------- --------- (685) Winston-Salem, 338 Miller Street 36 Woodrce F. Haywoodf___.--..------- (68) High Point, Box 1288 37 H. Clifford Besvert. ( 99) Salisbury, 317 South Lee Sireet 38 William L. Mills, Jr.f-----------.. -- ( 32) Concord, Box 986 39 Arthur G. Griffin, Sr.f---..------.--- (176) Davidson, Box 237 40 Frederick H. Trethewey?......------- (700) Charlotte (9), 3314 Highview Road 41 W. Reid Howeft......----------------- (462) Cramerton, 225 Tenth Street 42 C. Boyd Burrellf_------------------- (668) Gastonia, 305 West Dixon Avenue 43 Robert P. Dudleyt------------------- (202) Shelby, Box 1149 44 Loy R. Bost, Sr.f-_---------------.-- (592) Maiden, Box 275 45 Royal P. Wooienf, LL. (571) Union Grove 46 Grady M. Mackiet------------------- (162) Yadkinville, Box 127 47 Robert S. Burrust------------------- (390) Rockford 48 James M. Joinest, LL (573) Wilbar 49 Samuel C. Evanst------------------- (423) Sparta, Box 157 50 F. Howard Hoylef, C.L...---------_-- (670) Drexel, Box 484 51 Ballard E. Burlesonf, CL (598) Elk Park, Box 356 52 Ernest J. Houseft-------------------- (237) Marion, Box 269 ; 53 Everett A. Robinsonf....-_-_..--..-- (397) Mars Hill, Route 2 54 F. Gudger Cabet, C.L.---------------- (491) Candler, Route 3 55 William A. Burgessf......_-----..--.. (719) Columbus, Box 51 56 E. Paul Martint -------------------- (259) Waynesville, Box 154 57 B. C. eet, 6G -isi (427) Bryson City, Box 503 58 Burl L. Orrt.-..-----------------2--- (672) Fontana Dam, Box 1175

1 Past Master

DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND. LECTURERS—1960-61 l Willie P. Goodwint, CL ss 7) Edenton, 214 East Eden Street

2 William P. Harrell, CL (M-171) Colerain, P. 0. Box 114 3 Richard H. Lucast, C.L.___...........( 59) Plymouth, P. 0. Box 336 _ 4 Wilmer C. Chessont, CL ( 59) Plymouth, 202 Brinkley Avenue 5 Leonard M. Thorne, CL (517) Farmville, 405 East Pine Street 6 Henry B. Johnsont, CL ( 81) Trenton, Route No. 1 --7 William L. Adamst, C.L._...-......- -(568) New Bern, Route 4, Box 67 8 Benjamin R. Alford, CL, (M-405) Morehead City, P. 0. Box 32 9 Arthur Applef, CL. ooo (595) Wallace, P. O. Box 148 10 Marion T. Rosst, C... ( 1) Wilmington, P. 0. Box 1044 11 Coolidge Wrightf, CL (563) Clarendon, Route No. 1, Box 242 12 Thomas W. White, CL (114) Lumberton, 1007 Riverside Drive . . 13 Robert A. Carter}, CL e (667) Fayetteville, 504 Tokay Drive . 14 James L. Herringt, CL ( 98) Clinton, Route No. 1 l 15 James F. B. Holtt, CL (617) Princeton, Route No. 2 16 James A. Harrist, LL (634) Goldsboro, 410 South William Street 17 T. Bruce Boyette?, EL (712) Wilson, 1228 South Tarhoro Street 18 John C. Davidsonf, C.L..------------- (230) Rocky Mount, 343 South Grace Street 19 Earnest E. Odomf, C.L.............---(519) Gaston, P.0. Box 244 (Northampton Co.) 20 Jesse W. Harrist, C.L......_.---.-... (447) Enfield, P.O. Box 755 21 Richard H. Hester, Sr., C.L..------- (630) Norlina, P.0. Box 282 22 Jack S. Hatley?, CL -------- (565) Wendell, P. O. Box 6 23 Dallas Holoman, Jr.f, C.L............ ( 40) Raleigh, 2717 East Rothgeb Drive 24 Henry T. Caudle, CL (218) Raleigh, 510 Frank Street 25 James N. McFarlandf, C.L.......---- (172) Broadway, Route No. 1 26 Edgar F. Dunnf, C.L.._..-..--.....- (550) Aberdeen, P. 0. Box 694 27 William E. Kerr, C.L.___...............(676) Charlotte (3), 2112 Fernwood Drive 28 DeWitt T. Scarboro, Jr.f, CL, (127) Mount Gilead, P. 0. Box 303 29 Keith G. Hodginf, CL (699) Asheboro, 721 Worth Street 30 Harvey T. Hogant, CL (492) Graham, 439 Norih Main Street 31 Lloyd Avery Allisont, CL (687) Durham, 1811 Cheek Road 32 L. E. Tuten, C.L. ooo. (122) Henderson, P. 0. Box 248 33 Ralph H Seiglerf, CL (384) Reidsville, Woodland Drive, Route No. 2 34 Robert C. Seabolif, CL ( 76) Greensboro, 1006 Lexington Avenue 35 Ernest L. Smith, CL... (289) Winston-Salem, 2329 Walker Avenue 36 Edward G. UpdegroveT, CL (344) High Point, 608 Lindsay Street 37 Robert H Harkeyt, CL (543) East Spencer, P. 0. Box 303 38 John E. Moore}, CL (626) Kannapolis, 118 York Avenue 39 Henry H. Plummerf, CL (205) Charlotte (6), 626 Norris Avenue 40 Jack B. Russellf, CL, (702) Charlotte (6), 1500 East Boulevard 41 Earl A. Helmst, CL (627) Belmont, 633 Secrest Street 42 Marshall Dilling, Jr., CL, (369) Gasionia, P. 0. Box 506 43 Everett W. McNeillyt, CL (579) Casar, General Delivery 44 Elwyn D. Bowmanf, CL (343) Hickory, Route 3, Box 255 45 Joseph G. Millerf, CL (690) Statesville, 214 Webb Street 46 Percy A. Crater, C... (434) Winston-Salem, Route No. 8 47 Evin P Moore, CL, (M-691) Mount Airy, 717 Haymore Street 48 James E. Spicer, CL (573) Millers Creek, Route No. 1 49 Franklin W. Royalf, CL, (423) Glade Valley (Allegheny County) 98 William R. Lockhart, CL, (M-670) Drexel, Valdese Avenue 51 Charles A. Ramsey, CL, (357) Bakersville, P. 0. Box 22 52 William R. McDaniel}, CL, (401) Old Fort, Route 1, Box 83 53 Raymond H Garrisont, CL, (170) Weaverville, Route 3, Box 205 54 Alfred 0. Goinst, CL (650) West Asheville, 102 Dorchester Avenue 99 Donald L. Lyle, C.L..--------------- (673) Spindale, 1003 Stonecutter Street 56 Bert Caglet, C.L._------------------ (472) Canton, Route Ne. 2 57 John B. Rayt, CL... (145) Franklin, 2 Georgia Road 58 Henry F. Truetif, CL... (426) Culberson, Route No. 2

+ Past Master


EMERGENT COMMUNICATION An Emergent Communication of The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina was held in the Masonic Temple, located at 123 Mulberry Street in the City of Goldsboro, North Carolina, on Saturday, Au- gust 15, 1959, at 3:00 p.m., with the following present:


M.'.W.'.William Eli Hand, P.M. (1)....---- Grand Master R.'.W.' Harvey W. Smith, P.M. (109) ........... Deputy Grand Master M..W..Edwin T. Howard, P.G.M. (344) Senior Grand Warden R.'.W.'.James W. Brewer, P.M. (708) ............ Junior Grand Warden M.'.W.'.Charles B. Newcomb, a P.G.M., P.G.S. ph VE as Grand Treasurer M.'.W.'.Charles A. Harris, P.G.M. (113) -.--- Grand Secretary M.'.W.'.Wm. J. Bundy, P.G.M. (284). as Senior Grand Deacon W.’.John Edward Rooker,Jr.,P.M. (10)... Junior Grand Deacon W.'.Armon E. Baggett, P.M.(1) --------. as Grand Marshal W.'.Harrison Kauffman, P.M. (40) ...... as Grand Steward W..Samuel A. Hennis, Jr., P.M. (322)... Grand Steward W.'.Fred F. Harding, P.M. (500) -------. - Grand Tyler W.'.Clyde G. McCarver (104) -.-.-........ Grand. Chaplain

PAST GRAND MASTERS .'. William J. Bundy, P.G.M. (284) "Charles A. Harris, P.G.M. (113) .'.Edwin T. Howard, P.G.M. (344) .'.Charles B. Newcomb, P.G.M. (1) . Robert L. Pugh, P.G.M. (568)

.. Watson N. Sherrod, P.G.M. (447)

The Grand Lodge was opened in AMPLE FORM by M.’.W.’.William Eli Hand, Grand Master of Masons in North Carolina, who announced that this Emergent Com- munication was called for the purpose of burying with Ma- sonic Honors the remains of our deceased brother, Right Worshipful Lester Hay wood Gillikin, Senior Grand Warden, who died on Thursday morning, August 18, 1959, in New Bern.

The Grand Master then conducted the usual service in the Lodge Hall, and the biography of R.'.W.'.Brother Lester Haywood Gillikin was read by M.'.W.'.Brother Charles A. Harris, Grand Secretary.

The Grand Secretary read telegrams, letters and tran- scripts of telephone calls from several brethren who were unable to be present, all of them lamenting the passing of our distinguished brother and conveying expressions of sympathy to the family and to the Grand Lodge in the great loss sustained.

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The following brethren, all of them Past Masters of Wayne Lodge No. 112, of Goldsboro, were selected to serve as pallbearers: |

Donald C. Rouse, Sr., Kedar D. Pyatt, Ronald C. Otwell, George R. Newsome, Berl M. Kahn and Leon B. Jackson.

The Bearer of the Great Lights was Brother Joseph R. Jackson, Master of Wayne Lodge No. 112.

W.. Brother Armon B. Baggett, Grand Marshal, then formed the procession which proceeded to the Saint Paul Methodist Church in Goldsboro where the funeral was con- ducted.

At the conclusion of the service at the Church, the re- mains were conveyed to the Willowdale Cemetery in Golds- boro, where they were interred with Masonic Honors, the burial service having been conducted by M.'.W.'.Brother Robert L. Pugh, Past Grand Master.

The Grand Lodge then returned to the Lodge Hall in the Masonic Temple in Goldsboro. The minutes were read and approved, and the Grand Lodge was closed in AMPLE FORM by the Grand Master.


Attest: CHARLES A. HARRIS, Grand Secretary.

BIOGRAPHY: Lester HAYWOOD GILLIKIN, born August 23, 1911. Son of Uriah Melvin Gillikin and Mary Wrenn Gillikin. Initiated October 5, 1932; Passed November 2, 1932; and Raised November 7, 1932, in Wayne Lodge No. 112, A. F. & A.M., of Goldsboro. Life member of Wayne Lodge. Honorary Member of Saint John's No. 9, New Bern; Hiram No. 98, Clinton; Orr No. 104, Washington; Mill Creek No. 125, Newton Grove; Harmony No. 340, Pikeville; Goldsboro No. 684, Goldsboro.



ou eg Girheipelee Commatacation de PAd Graña Daer ef Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North: Garétihia: Wass held in. ise 4)] há£rf hors! M. Molt Lodge Nd.'492; heated over WHRY Drie Gérhparj^ih-XhesGity'ot" Grahame North Catalina,» bu SatufiaySeptenibercd;) 1959 at:2:100i Br'M., with the following.g8résenf:oabo.] onveW To 153281. DE SR

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laying the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple of Thomas M. Holt Lodge No. 492, A. F. & A. M.

The Grand Lodge then proceeded to the site of the new Masonic Temple of Thomas M. Holt Lodge No. 492, A. F. & A. M., located on Johnson Street in Graham, North Caro- lina, for the ceremony.

W..Brother Michael M. Isley (492) represented the building authorities, and also acted as Principal Architect, in the ceremony; W.'. Brother Edward Bertalan (492) carried the Three Great Lights; and W.'. Brother Joseph M. James carried the Book of Constitutions.

The acting Grand Master delivered appropriate remarks to the assemblage as to the purpose of the occasion, and introduced the Mayor of Graham, the Honorable Myron A.


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An Emergent Communication of The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina was held on the Ground Floor of the York Rite Memorial Chapel on the campus of the Oxford Orphanage in Oxford, North Carolina, on Friday, October 2, 1959, at 2:00 P. M., with the following present:


M.'.W.'.William Eli Hand, P.M. (1) --.---... Grand Master R.'.W.' Harvey W. Smith, P.M. (109) -----.-. Deputy Grand Master M.'.W..Charles H. Pugh, P.G.M. (369) ..... as Senior Grand Warden R.'.W.'.James W. Brewer, P.M. (708) .....- Junior Grand Warden M.'.W.* William H. White, P.G.M. (151) Grand Treasurer M.'.W.'.Charles A. Harris, P.G.M. (113) ..—. Grand Secretary W.'.W. Reid Howe, P.M. (462) --..-.... as Senior Grand Deacon W.'.J. Edward Rooker, Jr., P.M. (10)... Junior Grand Deacon W.'.W. Edward Burrier, P.M. (31) -..... Grand Marshal W.'.Alfred A. Kafer, Jr., P.M. (S-3) Grand Steward W.'.Samuel A. Hennis, Jr., P.M. (322)... Grand Steward W..Fred F. Harding, P.M. (bont Grand Tyler M.'.W.'.Robert L. Pugh, P.G.M. (Gei as Grand Chaplain M.'.W.*.Charles H. Pugh, P.G.M. (369) ........